E-Rate Funding

E-Rate provides federal funding for schools to make telecommunications and information services more affordable. With today's hybrid instructional model, E-rate discounts can (and should!) subsidize the services and infrastructure that underlie your school's innovative digital learning technologies.

Edu-Tech has partnered with Educational Consortium to help all of the region's independent schools evaluate and take advantage of all E-Rate funds they can qualify for each year. A huge number of independent schools in our region qualify for E-Rate -- don't throw away your chance to get federal funding for your network infrastructure needs, which are so crucial in today's instructional model!

The E-rate process is cumbersome and ever-changing. It requires resource and time management. Our staff is experienced and knowledgeable. Outsourcing responsibility for this important funding resource with us can prove to be a wise decision. Our sole commitment is to help our clients through handling the entire E-rate process by:

  • Obtaining maximum E-rate funding for you. We help you to identify and apply for all the funding covered by E-rate that is available to you and your school/district. Our experience has led to success in achieving favorable results year after year.
  • Freeing up your time and schedule. We know how difficult it is to take care of e-rate and still complete all your other job duties. We free you so you can take care of your other important responsibilities.
  • Protecting your school's interests. Our awareness of and response to changes in the E-rate process and deadlines assures that you will not miss any changes that could put your funding at risk.
  • Making sure you receive all the funds and discounts. We know just how to apply for the various services covered by E-rate. We go beyond filling out forms for you; we also know how to work within the system to ensure your funding is approved. We even follow up with your service providers to make certain you actually receive all the funding to which you are entitled.

Don't delay! Contact us today to find out if your school is eligible for E-Rate funding!